siuc linguistics

Sunday, April 05, 2009

SIUC reunion, Denver, March 2009

The SIUC reunion was a success; it has been getting bigger as more and more people find out about it. This year we had a special treat: Mark Algren, President of TESOL, found out about it and came.

Denver had a huge blizzard the day of the reunion, and it snowed hard all day. Conventioneers were stuck downtown improperly dressed, but the real problem was not the snow or even the cold, but that you couldn't see. It was amazing that people ventured outside and found the place, but they did. And there were more who sent their regrets but were in Denver nonetheless. Being at TESOL and having SIU-Carbondale on your badge is a kind of reunion by itself, because lots of people bring up the subject with you. Here are some more people who came to the reunion:

Lou Coyne, living and teaching in Tokyo
Leah Miller, from National Louis University, Chicago, classmate with Mark Algren;
Kim Hughes Wilhelm and her husband, Tom from Macau, where, they say, they see Keith and Becky Pharis occasionally;
Jessica Montgomerie, our hostess, now teaching at Denver University, being from Denver and all, now, says Denver is great, she loves it, and she and her husband have bought a house and are fixing it up.
Rachael Crowley, living and teaching ESL in Colorado Springs
Cheryl Ernst, Julie Bird, Tamara Poss, Gary Linebaugh, and myself, all at SIUC now, so you don't need to know yet what became of us; and Mark Algren, president of TESOL.

To get on the e-mail list, so that you know where the next SIUC reunion is (at TESOL 2010 in Boston), write.